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Accuspray Solutions  – Leading Turf Care Provider in Northern Colorado

Elevate Your Lawn With Our Tailored Solutions

Accuspray Solutions offers comprehensive lawn care in Fort Collins, CO. With over 32 years of industry experience, our team helps ensure your lawn thrives throughout every season by providing the vital nutrients it needs for optimal growth. By supporting and encouraging the overall health of your lawn, we contribute to its ability to resist disease, pests, and environmental stressors. Our services prioritize your lawn’s health with fertilization and weed management programs customized to meet your turf’s unique needs. We provide top-notch lawn care services to elevate your outdoor space and enhance the value of your property. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation.

Transform Your Outdoor Spaces

Our services maximize turf, lawns, and yards, making them better than ever before. By choosing us, you’ll always have an outdoor space of which you can be proud. Our top-quality services include:

Weed Control

The effective reduction and elimination of invasive or harmful weeds.

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Specially formulated and eco-friendly fertilizers for green, healthy grass.

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Site Management

Monitoring and controlling vegetation on business, agriculture, and industrial sites.

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Erosion Control

Treatments and solutions for strengthening and stabilizing soil.

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man spraying yard for weeds

Maintain and Sustain an Excellent Lawn With Us

At Accuspray Solutions, we believe outdoor spaces require top-quality care year-round. Spring, summer, fall, and winter, you can rely on us to prepare your soil and grass to thrive during the warmer months and withstand the coldest, harshest conditions. We deploy research and science-based solutions, formulations, and techniques to boost lawns to their fullest potential. When possible, we apply eco-friendly solutions, giving home and business owners peace of mind. We’ll provide you with an outdoor space you’ll love.

Maximize Your Lawn’s Potential With Professional Care

What are the key benefits of professional turf care services?

Our professional turf care team utilizes specialized tools and knowledge to ensure your lawn remains healthy and vibrant. Our comprehensive services save homeowners time and effort as our team handles the application required for a healthy lawn, thus sustaining an attractive and well-kept outdoor space. We offer customized treatment plans to address specific issues unique to each lawn, enhancing its growth and aesthetic appeal.

How do I prepare my turf for professional treatment and care?

Make sure the area is clear of any debris or objects that could obstruct the application process. Mowing your lawn a day before the scheduled treatment can improve the application process, allowing our products to penetrate your lawn more effectively. Water your lawn a day or two before the appointment, as a hydrated lawn can better absorb treatments. Allow our team to access your property by unlocking any gates and securing pets indoors so we can perform our services efficiently.

What sets professional turf care services apart from DIY approaches?

Our professional team of experts offers expertise and access to commercial-grade products and equipment. We use our extensive experience to identify issues and apply the most effective solutions quickly. Our team uses specialized tools and precise application methods to achieve consistent and higher-quality results. Our professional services save time and hassle, allowing our clients to enjoy a beautiful outdoor space.

What should I expect during a typical lawn care service appointment?

When you schedule a lawn care service appointment, our team will arrive on time and equipped with all the necessary tools and materials for the job. We’ll start with an inspection of your lawn to identify any specific needs or issues that need to be addressed. Our team will carry out the scheduled services according to your lawn care plan, such as fertilization, weed control, or aeration. Before leaving, we’ll ensure that all areas are clean, provide you with a brief overview of the completed work, and provide recommendations for further care. A flag will be left in your yard to indicate we have been on site. The tech will also leave a notice on the front of the home stating that services have been completed.

Service Map

Accuspray Solutions

126 Summit View Drive
Fort Collins, CO 80524


Hours of Operation
Monday: 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Tuesday: 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Wednesday: 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Thursday: 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Friday: 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM

Contact Us

Frequently Asked Questions

When can pets or children go on the lawn after an application?

We urge people and pets to stay off the lawn until the product dries, which typically takes 1 to 3 hours. If granular fertilizer only is applied, you can be on the lawn after the dust settles.

What is the correct mowing height?

You should aim to mow at least 3 inches or more. Doing so will reduce the chances of weeds from encroaching, help your soil retain its moisture, and allow roots to grow deeper. We recommend mowing about 2” during your first and last mow of the season to reduce the risks of disease. If grass is too tall when covered in snow, it could contract snow mold during the spring.

Can Accuspray control all of the weeds on my property?

Usually, you will see a reduction in weeds of about 85%. No one can guarantee that all weeds will be controlled, but this level of control should typically last 3-5 weeks.

When can I plant grass seed after an application?

You should wait until three weeks or 21 days to plant grass seed after your lawn has received a broadleaf control. Pre-emergent controls require about three months or 60 days to settle before seeding. If you have to seed earlier than those time frames, we suggest raking the soil to reduce the chemical barrier. We can apply a starter fertilizer before pre-emergent applications to give your grass seedlings a head start.

What happens if it rains after an application?

Rain may somewhat compromise the effectiveness of our weed control treatment. Granular fertilizer, on the other hand, can be watered in immediately. To ensure the weed control treatment is effective, wait two weeks before watering and call us for a free service call if necessary.

Should I treat my lawn even if my neighbor doesn’t?

Yes. Thick turf and grass acts as a repellent against weeds and is one of the easiest ways to keep them at bay. Our program will ensure your lawn is thick, reducing the chances of weed encroachment. Mowing your lawn 3” or taller can also combat weeds.

How long should I wait to water after an application?

We suggest that you wait a minimum of 4 hours. During cooler times of the year, water within 24 hours. During hot times of the year, water that night.

How much should I be watering?

1-1½ inches of water each week is best if your area is lacking adequate rainfall. To find out whether your lawn is getting proper water, we suggest setting small cups out in the areas of your lawn to see how long it takes to fill them with one inch of water. Then, water 2 to 4 times a week. The best time of day to water is in the evening, between 10:00 PM -5:00 AM, to prevent disease and evaporation.

What should I do about Voles/Mice on my lawn?

Vole and mice damage is most apparent during spring. You have to rake a bit. They are usually under the snow or leaves in winter. Once the grass starts to grow and the sun is shining, they leave the yard for more hiding places.

How long should I wait to mow after an application?

We suggest waiting a day or longer to mow so the application has time to take full effect.

What should I do about Snow Mold?

Snow mold can be a common problem in lawns in springtime. Signs of snow mold include brown or matted down grass. We suggest raking, applying fertilizer, and allowing sunshine on your lawn so your fresh green grass can emerge healthily.